Improvement #8 - An Even Better Toolbar

This is the eighth post in the series 10 improvements in 10 days. Yesterday we introduced a completely new feature called User Agent View. Today we continue to improve the message details toolbar.

Remember last week where we compressed the toolbar in the message details? Well, today you will start to see some advantages in doing so. As of now, the toolbar contains three additional buttons:

The burger icon opens the message overlay as previously, but the next three buttons are new. The first button triggers the Extended User Details view. The second button opens the new User Agent View that we introduced yesterday. The third button opens the pimped Status Code View introduced last week.

In fact, no new features are triggered from these buttons, but we want to move everything clickable to the toolbar eventually. The Extended User Information feature has been available for some time, but it turned out that few of you actually knew about this awesome feature. Moving actions to the toolbar makes it explicit what can be clicked and what cannot.