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Get news about .NET, C#, ASP.NET Core, and much more directly in your inbox. With this list of the ultimate newsletters you will never miss important news.

Check out my top 10 list of books that I have either enjoyed reading myself or got recommended by developers friends and plan to read.

A great way to learn the newest technology available in .NET is through live coding sessions. You can find a lot of streams on both Twitch and YouTube.

Most conferences tape sessions and make them publicly available after the conference. This is a list of my favorite .NET, C# or Azure related talks.

A list of podcasts containing information about .NET, Azure, C# and related Microsoft technologies. Get introduced to the 8 podcasts we are listening to.

Check out our list of favourite .NET development tools. You already know Visual Studio, but there's a range of good tools to help you be a better developer.

Visual Studio Code is a great free editor from Microsoft. This post will present you with our list of essential extensions for Visual Studio Code (vscode).

Visual Studio is a great development environment. But with a few extensions it will be even better. There are a lot of free extensions out there.