Get inspired by this list of NuGet packages we use to build Learn about each package, how we use it, and what we like about it.
This post will show you how to fix a common problem when setting the application base path with Blazor WebAssembly.
Learn how to build and test a .NET (Core) application on multiple versions of .NET with GitHub Actions.
Get an overview of some of the major improvements that we launched on Uptime Monitoring recently.
The HTTP Error 500.19 can be a frustrating error to resolve when hosting on IIS. In this post, I'll show you the most common causes of the error.
This article will introduce you to the format for the User-Agent HTTP header as well as how to add it in various ways when using HttpClient in .NET/C#.
This post will teach you how to predict the value of a boolean using ML.NET and a binary classification trainer. The code uses movie scores as an example.
Learn to monitor Windows Services. Windows comes with a set of tools that help monitor services. The post also introduce Perfmon for performance.
This post will show you how to implement a local list of bounced emails with AWS Simple Email Service (SES) and Azure Functions.