Improvement #5 - Status Codes with a Vengeance

This is the fifth post in the series 10 improvements in 10 days. Yesterday we made a compact toolbar. Today, we enrich the error details with yet another piece of helpful information.

We mainly focus on logging website errors (all major log frameworks are supported as well). All website error have a HTTP status code from the HTTP specification. All of us probably know the most common types of errors like 404 (Not Found) and 500 (Internal Server Error). But what happens when your website suddenly starts throwing 418's (I'm a teapot)? to the rescue. With todays improvement, we start color coding HTTP status code with the severity of the particular code:

In the example above, the HTTP status code of 400 (Bad Request) is considered a warning and therefore yellow colored. What's even more cool is when you click the status code:

Clicking the status code shows a modal dialog with an explanation of the clicked status code. We have some ideas for improving this dialog even further, but for now it shows the code and description.

The first week of our two week improvement series has passed. A lot of good stuff went into in the last 5 days. We cannot wait to implement more improvements next week. Have a great weekend everyone!