Storing Content-Security-Policy reports in

This is the third post in a series about ASP.NET security.

In the previous post, Content-Security-Policy in ASP.NET MVC, I showed you how to implement the Content-Security-Policy header. This header is among the more difficult to implement, since you need an overview of all of the dependencies of your web app. I also mentioned the Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header, which will show you the blocked resources, but carry on the execution like nothing happened.

While the Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header is great, you probably want to run with that in production before actually switching to Content-Security-Policy. Having real users testing your system with the report header included, is the ultimate test really. The problem here is, that Chrome (and other browsers) as default reports any problems to the console. Since you cannot see each users console, you will need to intercept problems happening in another way.

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Say hello to report-uri. report-uri is a mechanism built into Content-Security-Policy, that lets you send all errors, otherwise only shown in the console, to an URL of your choice. While you can develop a REST API that receives these errors, why not use We have developed a simple proxy that does nothing more than receive Content-Security-Policy reports and log them in an of your choice. The project is located on GitHub here: Elmah.Io.ContentSecurityPolicy.Proxy.

To set up the proxy, clone the repository and change API_KEY and LOG_ID in appsettings.json. API_KEY should match a key found beneath your organization settings and LOG_ID should be the ID of the log you want to include the reports. Once changed, deploy the service to an IIS, Azure or similar. The proxy is built in ASP.NET Core and therefore deployable pretty much everywhere.

To use the proxy from your web app, add a report-uri to the Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header:

  value="default-src 'self'; report-uri" />

That's it folks. Reports are now automatically sent to

Content-Security-Policy results in Error logging and Uptime Monitoring for your web apps

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