Partner with BrowserStack to support real-device debugging

Since writing this post the BrowserStack integration has been removed.

When dealing with client-side errors, the combination of a physical device, the operating system, and the browser can be the cause of an error. You probably don't have an old Samsung Galaxy S4 running Android 4 laying in your drawer. Debugging errors like this can be extraordinarily painful, and even emulators won't help you.

To help you fix common issues like this, we have partnered with BrowserStack. BrowserStack let you test websites on real devices straight from your browser. With the new integration, re-creating an error requires nothing more than a click of a button:

By inspecting the user agent of each error, we can launch the failing URL on a large percentage of physical devices. Everything is streamed to your browser from BrowserStack's extensive catalog of physical devices.

Launching a device require a paid subscription for BrowserStack. We have been working with people from BrowserStack to create the integration but we don't receive any kick-back if users sign up for BrowserStack's services. The integration has been created merely to help you guys debugging errors. There is a 30 minute free trial available that we recommend you to try out before making a decision.