Thomas Ardal

Thomas Ardal

Meet Thomas, the founder and developer behind Thomas blogs about everything technical from C# and ASP.NET Core to machine learning.

314 posts
Bulk download from Azure Blob Storage with C#

I had to write some C# downloading multiple blobs from Azure Blob Storage using the Azure.Storage.Blobs NuGet package. To my surprise, no bulk option exists (at least not to my knowledge). Here's a quick summary of how I somewhat achieved this. As mentioned already, there are ...

Added 5 new sponsorships to the batch

We are big fans of sponsoring people who work on some of the many open-source libraries we use to build or someone that inspires us through blogging. If you haven't already, read through an introduction to the sponsorship program here: We are looking into ...

Test run of HTTP Logging in ASP.NET Core 6

Ever wanted to log all HTTP requests to your websites? I sure have and I have been implemented various solutions for doing so for years. From HTTP modules in ASP.NET to request logging middleware in ASP.NET Core. With ASP.NET Core, we now have request logging built-in. Stay ...

Server-side source map support on

It just struck me that we didn't really announce a major new improvement on besides on the Changelog: Server-side JavaScript source map support. Stay tuned to learn more about this feature and why you'd need it. While started as a cloud-logging and ...

3 new free tools for .NET developers

Earlier this year I blogged about 6 free tools for .NET developers that we have developed internally at and made public through our website. We cannot stop publishing helpful tools and the total tool count is 9 now, all available on the tools page. This post is a ...

Updating NuGet packages from command-line - deep dive

I set out to find a better way to update NuGet packages across multiple projects, solutions, and git repositories. I have used a combination of command line and Visual Studio until now but wanted to reduce the time spent on the rather boring task of updating packages. This post is ...

Async processing of long-running tasks in ASP.NET Core

Sometimes, invoking an API endpoint needs to trigger a long-running task. Examples of this could be invoking an external and slow API or sending an email, which you don't want the caller of your API to wait for. There are multiple ways of implementing this using a message ...

Debugging System.FormatException when launching ASP.NET Core

I talked with a user the other day, experiencing a System.FormatException exception when trying to launch ASP.NET Core. While trying to help to figure out what went wrong, I realized that there can be a lot of different causes for this error in ASP.NET Core. This post ...

Stream large content from ASP.NET Core to avoid OutOfMemoryException

I had to implement an endpoint in ASP.NET Core, fetching a large amount of data and returning it to the client. Just to end up in an System.OutOfMemoryException on the server. With just a few changed code lines and the built-in support for streaming content in ASP.NET ...