Thomas Ardal

Thomas Ardal

Meet Thomas, the founder and developer behind Thomas blogs about everything technical from C# and ASP.NET Core to machine learning.

315 posts
Creating AWS email templates with Handlebars.js and MJML

In this series, I'll share how we have developed's email templates currently sent out using Amazon Web Services (AWS). This first post will introduce template development using MJML and Handlebars.js. In the following posts, I'll explain the process of building them ...

Normalize and compare URLs with C#

I'm constantly tweaking the uniqueness detection on It's the feature that will identify if an error has been logged previously which will trigger a range of other features like notifications. A while back, I wanted to add support for identifying GUIDs as part of ...

How to get the client IP in ASP.NET Core even behind a proxy

Part of implementing an error monitoring platform like is dealing with the IP addresses of the clients generating errors. In this post, I'll show you parts of how we have implemented this in ASP.NET Core, to make sure that different hosting scenarios still produce the ...

Turn a Hue light red when website is down with IFTTT &

Someone asked me about the possibility of turning on a light on new errors logged to the other day. While we offer dashboards to put on a big screen in the office, I hadn't thought much about turning physical things on and off on errors. This ...

Deploy Access Restricted Azure website from DevOps Pipelines

We have a couple of internal websites hosted on Azure. Websites that require authentication and should only be accessed from our IP. This can easily be configured using Access Restrictions in Azure. But when doing so, you exclude the dynamic IP range for Microsoft-hosted Azure DevOps build agents. In this ...

Creating Visual Studio extensions using Roslyn analyzers

While most of my time goes into, I love working on side projects too. Like the NuGet package updater tool NuPU and the Dark Screen of Death Chrome extension. A few weeks ago, I felt the need to solve a small problem I've had understanding Cron ...

Creating and downloading zip files with ASP.NET Core

For a recent feature, I had to download a batch of files from an internal website written in ASP.NET Core. Zipping the files before downloading them, turned out as a great way of easily implementing multi-file download. .NET offers all of the needed features and in this post, I& ...

Logging and global error handling in .NET 7 WPF applications

While developing support for WPF, I had the chance to look into WPF for the first time in many years. I couldn't stop myself from digging down into all sorts of details about how logging has evolved in WPF since I last wrote a WPF app. ...

Build and publish Visual Studio extensions with GitHub Actions

A friend of mine asked me how we build and publish our Visual Studio extension. His initial thought was that the process is manual and since the code is in a private repository, here's a quick walkthrough of building and publishing Visual Studio extensions with GitHub Actions. Before ...