Supporting Azure Functions and WebJobs

Ensuring that works great with any web and logging framework for .NET, is a key priority for us. Serverless development using Azure Functions and WebJobs (as well as AWS Lambdas) have gained a lot of traction during the last years. Logging errors from Functions and WebJobs have been supported using our API client for a while, but today we are ready to introduce native support. Let me introduce you to Elmah.Io.Functions.

With the Elmah.Io.Functions NuGet package, logging errors from Azure Functions and WebJobs requires only a single line of code. In the following example, I'm logging all errors happening in a timed function. Start by installing the Elmah.Io.Functions package:

Install-Package Elmah.Io.Functions -Pre

And now for the code:

[ElmahIoExceptionFilter("API_KEY", "LOG_ID")]
public static class Function1
    public static void Run([TimerTrigger("0 */1 * * * *")]TimerInfo myTimer, TraceWriter log)
        // Your business logic goes here

Look ma, no try catch! That's right. The ElmahIoExceptionFilter attribute automatically logs all unhandled exceptions in your business logic.

As always, let us know if you need help integrating into your Function/WebJobs project. We're here to help.