Support for .NET and ASP.NET Core

A lot happened since we wrote this post. Check out the official documentation for logging errors to from ASP.NET Core and Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.

Time for another update on our support for .NET Core (and ASP.NET Core). As you may know, we have supported what where previously known as ASP.NET vNext for the last couple of months through the Elmah.Io.Extensions.Logging package. As of today, we are ready with the first pre-release of an official .NET and ASP.NET Core support.

To sum up the differences between the different version of the .NET framework and ASP.NET, Scott Hanselman has a great illustration on his blog:

So what does this mean? Well first of all, there's a new release of the Elmah.Io.Client package. This package contains the raw client for communicating with the API. We've bumped the version number from 2.x to 3.0.0. Why? Well because it's using the new v3 API that isn't backwards compatible. Since the new API is documented with Swagger, parts of the new client can be auto-generated using the wonderful AutoRest code generator. Elmah.Io.Client v3 is available on NuGet and you can use it cross platform to log from Windows, Linux and Mac. Also, having a client package targeting .NET Core, you will be able to log from Xamarin, Windows Phone, Windows 10 apps and similar.

With the .NET Core client in place, we have a strong foundation for supporting ASP.NET Core (as well as native ASP.NET). Since ELMAH hasn't been ported to ASP.NET Core yet, we've extended the Elmah.Io.Framework.Logging package to support core as well. In fact, it's almost a re-write and since Microsoft chose to rename Microsoft.Framework.Logging to Microsoft.Extensions.Logging, we've done that as well. The new project is simply called Elmah.Io.Extensions.Logging and it is available on GitHub and NuGet (as a prerelease).

To use the new package, we recommend you to check out the documentation article: Logging from ASP.NET Core.

As always, we love feedback. Please let us know what you think about the support for .NET Core and ASP.NET Core. If you want to learn about ASP.NET Core, we've started a blog series. Check out the first post here: AppSettings in ASP.NET Core.