Get a 40% discount on Manning books and other good deals

I just want to quickly mention an offering we have called the Goodiebag. The goodiebag is a range of discounts for popular software products, books, conferences, and other development related items. The discounts are available for users on the Business plan and up.

Recently, new deals have been added. I want to highlight a few of them in this post but check out the goodiebag for a complete list.

  • 40% discount on all Manning products. That's right! Get 40% on any of Manning's awesome development books.
  • Conferences are bigger then ever. With all conferences going virtual during the pandemic, you don't even need to travel and fight with jetlag to participate in your favorite conference. We have made a deal with the nice people behind the GOTO conferences which gives you 10% of a conference of your choice.
  • Get a 10% discount on a couple of DevArt's software tools like Review Assistant and Code Compare. DevArt produces Visual Studio extension of high quality to help you as a .NET developer.