Entity Framework Core (EF Core) makes data handling easy. We all are leveraging its conciseness, flexibility, and rich features in our projects. However, have you ever wondered what goes under the hood? How has EF Core detached us from SQL queries? Today, I will disclose the curtain behind EF Core ...
Dependency injection (DI) is a powerful feature in .NET applications. It allows you the decoupling of dependencies by injecting required services at runtime, ensuring the modularity and testability of your code. You can create separate services or import them from NuGet packages by registering them into your application. However, injecting ...
The database is an integral part of every application. However, it contributes most to the performance of any application due to its presence in almost every operation. In the .NET world, Entity Framework Core (EFCore) is one of the developer's favorite Object-Relational Mapping (ORM). It has simple syntax, ...
Well, using OOP in development is a blessing. We define classes to leverage inheritance and abstraction. We easily represent one object as a model. However, using and maintaining these classes can sometimes be tedious for the developers and the application’s memory. You might need to define separate classes or ...
Working on event-driven applications can be challenging, where you need to write a large number of methods. Remembering those methods and deciding their usage for every requirement is tedious, especially when methods have different signatures. C# brings delegates to cope with this problem. Delegating is a powerful feature introduced solely ...
Entity Framework Core (EF Core) is a handy tool for database operations in .NET applications. It is also so powerful that you will find everything you can do conventionally in SQL queries with easy LINQ methods. Today, we will explore an essential feature of Efcore that may help you organize ...
C# provides a few ways to define types—records, structures, and classes. Each has its own qualities and limitations. In this blog post, I will discuss each construct and help you identify which one to use in your project. What is a class in C#? A class defines reference types, ...
.NET MAUI is a powerful cross-platform mobile app framework by Microsoft. It is a reliable feature-enriched option for developers of all types of mobile applications. Its community toolkit, XAML-based designing, and modern C# coding support stand out from MAUI among its competitors. One key feature it provides is the creation ...
Benchmarking is essential in application development, especially if you aim to scale up your app. Benchmarking enables you to evaluate your application's resource consumption, which helps you identify potential updates to speed up performance. If not scaling, you will need the application performance to be optimal to enhance ...