Learn how to create custom validation attributes in ASP.NET Core to enforce business logic, by extending the ValidationAttribute class.

If you are looking to migrate Azure Functions running In-process to Out-of-process/Isolated, this post will help you with steps and known errors.

This post introduces the breadcrumbs feature available on elmah.io. Get help debugging errors by seeing the history leading up to the exception.

Learn how to understand HRESULTs in .NET exceptions. HRESULTs can help debug errors by highlighting error codes not available in the message.

Learn how to debug an HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error when trying to host both ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core websites on IIS.

This post highlights one of several AI/machine learning features available on elmah.io: AI-assisted error resolution using ChatGPT from OpenAI.

Learn how to easily unit test methods in the BlobServiceClient provided by the Azure.Storage.Blobs package using NUnit and NSubstitute.

In the third post in the series about "secret" elmah.io features I will introduce you to the CLI. Diagnose installations, export data, and more.

Learn how to mock requests made through a HttpClient in C#. Unit testing code that makes external requests is easy using this simple approach.